When Should I Get Veneers?

A beautiful African American woman shows off her teeth after getting cosmetic dentistry treatment in Times Square

Have you ever been so insecure about how your teeth looked and made you think they lacked proper care? Visit your local trusted dentist if you are interested in knowing more about cosmetic dentistry in Times Square. 

Cosmetic dentists will ensure that your teeth will be as you always wanted them to be. This type of treatment is beneficial to many patients that are pretty insecure about their teeth. 

It is a branch of dentistry that focuses on improving your appearance. Giving this procedure to those who need it will surely provide a heap of benefits to their confidence. 

A female patient needing cosmetic dentistry treatment in Times Square

What Are Veneers? 

Veneers are thin shells that are meant to cover the front of the teeth and be attached to the front of the teeth using dental cement. This cosmetic option is permanently bonded to the teeth and is permanent. Veneers can either be made of porcelain or resin

This permanent change is meant to correct the imperfections that you may have in your teeth that you want to change—weighing if you wish to get cosmetic dentistry or not is an important thing to discuss with a dentist. 

When Am I Allowed to Have Veneers? 

There aren’t many things to consider for veneers. Many imperfections can be corrected with them. Discolored, chipped, stained, decayed teeth are quite a common occurrence in all ages, and if you ever experience any of the listed conditions, then you can likely get veneers. 

Pros and Cons of Veneers 

Veneers have their pros and cons. You can decide for yourself if you want to get one or not based on the list of advantages and disadvantages below.  

Natural Tooth Appearance 

Veneers can help with the appearance of the teeth, especially with the years of discoloration that you can get from the food you eat and maybe smoking. This procedure will allow you to have that natural look and will not affect the surrounding teeth. 

Fix Minor Cosmetic Problems 

Common minor cosmetic problems are teeth discoloration, chips, misalignment, and teeth gaps. These can be fixed by the veneers and correct the imperfections that you may have experienced. This procedure can help in boosting your confidence and self-esteem. 

Replace the Damaged Enamel 

The teeth can get damaged, especially the enamel, over time with use. Veneers can create another layer for the teeth and protect them while replacing the enamel.  

Permanent and Irreversible 

The procedure is permanent, and any other changes you want after the process cannot be done if it damages the veneers you just had done. However, veneers can be replaced when necessary. 

High Cost 

Veneers are costly depending on the number of teeth you want to restore and the dental clinic area. It is something that is known to be an expensive procedure because of the materials being used. Check to see if the dentist offers any type of financing option. 

Teeth Sensitivity 

A common problem after the procedure is some teeth sensitivity. This can be due to the enamel shaving that exposes your teeth and causes sensitivity to the hot and cold, but this should go away with time and care with the right products. 

A female patient sits in the dental chair before getting cosmetic dentistry treatment in Times Square

Looking for an Expert in Cosmetic Dentistry in Times Square? 

Now that you know when you should get veneers and if the veneers are really for you, you can visit an expert in cosmetic dentistry. Head over to Coliseum Dental for any questions and appointment bookings. We can cater to your needs and questions. Give us a call! 

Why You Should Get Same-Day Crowns

a closer look at same day crowns in Murray Hill

Damaged teeth can happen to anyone. This is because the teeth need constant care. Frequent visits to the Dentist Murray Hill will allow the patient to care for the teeth more carefully, but sometimes restorations are necessary. In these cases, you might want to try same-day crowns in Murray Hill. 

Same-day crowns are something you could consider a lifesaver whenever you need to go to an event the next day. Events will need your bright smile, and having minor dental problems will affect your performance and confidence. That is where the same-day crowns enter. 

The convenience of having same-day crowns is definitely something you can’t disregard. This treatment is for those who need help in their Dentist Murray Hill care but at the same time don’t want too many procedures done. 

A smiling female patient gets same day crowns in Murray Hill

What Are Same-Day Crowns?

Same-day crowns are similar to traditional crowns in appearance but differ in the time that they are made. Traditional crowns take several days to finish creating before attaching them but what makes same-day crowns different is that they can be made right away. 

Why You Should Get Them 

Same-day crowns are pretty convenient for many people. They have many benefits that you can consider to solve your oral health predicaments. 

No Need for Temporaries 

Temporary teeth are quite a hassle because they don’t always fit the mouth and could fall off. Same-day crowns will save you the hassle of experiencing that. This is because same-day crowns are made to fit comfortably. 

Restore Teeth Function 

The primary function of the teeth is to help chew food and speech. Both actions are nearly impossible without the teeth because it maintains the mouth’s structure. 

With same-day crowns, you will be able to eat and speak without problems whatsoever. They restore teeth function, preserve your existing teeth, and help prevent any injuries that could affect the surrounding teeth. 


Same-day crowns are cost-effective since they are done in one day while traditional crowns require multiple appointments. 

Same-Day Crowns Drawbacks 

For every procedure, there will always be an advantage and disadvantages. This procedure may have its benefits, but it also gives a few cons regarding the outcome.  

Crowns Are Less Durable 

Its drawback lies in the amount of time taken to make the crowns. They are considered less durable than the traditional crowns made of materials infused with metal and porcelain, which make them stronger. Same-day crowns can last long with proper care, however. 

Hidden Fractures  

Teeth fractures are sometimes undetectable, especially when the fracture extends down toward the gums. Not all of the fractures are seen through. In some scenarios, regular crowns might be advantageous. It’s always best to ask for the Dentist Murray Hill’s opinion. 

A dentist talks about Same Day Crowns in Murray Hill while an elderly male patient listens

Need to Get Same Day Crowns in Murray Hill? 

Now that you know why you should consider getting same-day crowns in Murray Hill, head over to Coliseum Dental for any questions and appointment bookings. We can cater to your needs and questions. We are always ready to help. Call us today! 

Gum Bleaching: A Guide

patient smiling happily again after gum bleaching in NYC

Feeling self-conscious about your smile? Gum bleaching may be the answer. Today, we’d like to discuss what this procedure is, and where you can go to get gum bleaching in NYC. 

As always, our goal is to ensure you have a happy, healthy smile. 

patient needing gum bleaching in NYC

Frequently Asked Questions About Gum Bleaching


What Causes Dark Gums? 

There are many reasons why your gums could be dark. These reasons include but are not limited to: 

  • Sun exposure 
  • Genetics 
  • Bruises 
  • Addison’s Disease 
  • Gum Infections 
  • Smoking 

Is It Normal to Have Dark Gums? 

Dark gums can be inherited. For this reason, gums that change color over time are more concerning than dark gums that you were born with. 

Am I a Candidate for Gum Bleaching? 

While gum bleaching is not medically necessary, it is useful for patients who are uncomfortable with the way their gums look. If you notice dark pigmentation in your gums, visit a dental practice. 

A dental professional can examine dark pigmentation for issues like oral cancer. Once they’re certain the pigmentation isn’t being caused by an underlying issue, they can help restore a healthier-looking color. 

There may be situations where gum bleaching isn’t the right solution for you. Patients with Addison’s disease, or patients suffering from a gum infection, may instead need to be treated with medication. 

How Does Gum Bleaching Work? 

Gum bleaching is a form of microdermabrasion. This is a minimally invasive procedure designed to improve pigmentation with the use of lasers

While local anesthesia may be required, this procedure only causes mild discomfort, and recovery time typically takes two weeks or less. 

You will be able to eat normally after the procedure. 

How Long Does Gum Bleaching Take? 

You should be able to see a difference as soon as you leave the office. That said, it can take two weeks before you’re fully able to see the results of gum depigmentation. 

Do I Need to Prepare for Gum Bleaching? 

Gum bleaching should only be performed on patients with healthy gums. If you have periodontitis, we may need to treat that before bleaching. 

Can I Bleach My Teeth and Gums at the Same Time? 

It’s important to note that gum bleaching is not the same procedure as teeth whitening. In fact, using teeth whitening products on your gums can lead to irritation and possibly even burnt gums

When done correctly, teeth whitening should not lead to permanent gum damage. That said, it can cause temporary irritation, which is why we recommend whitening your teeth and your gums at different times. 

How Long Does Gum Bleaching Last? 

Gum bleaching procedures have long-lasting effects, often up to 25 years, and sometimes more than that.  Some patients only need to have their gums bleached once in their lifetime. 

dentist checking patient's gums for gum bleaching in NYC

Looking for Gum Bleaching in NYC? 

Coliseum Dental has you covered. We’re a team of dentists located in the heart of Manhattan. We’re proud of our state-of-the-art facility, which has everything we need to ensure you get all the dental services you need. 

Have any questions you’d like to ask about our practice? Ready to book an appointment? Please reach out to us using the information on our contact page. We look forward to hearing from you! 

Recognizing the Signs of Dental Anxiety 

Nervous patient before Sedation Dentistry in Murray Hill

Dental anxiety is common, but that doesn’t make it any less difficult to deal with. Nervousness about the dentist can make it harder to maintain your oral health, but it should also be taken care of simply because no one wants to deal with stress. Let’s discuss what you need to know to curb your anxiety. This includes both the signs of dental anxiety, as well as an explanation of how our sedation dentistry services in Murray Hill can help.  

We hope this helps you take control of your smile! 

Dental assistant preparing for Sedation Dentistry in Murray Hill

Dental Anxiety Symptoms 

Physiological Signs 

Often, dental anxiety manifests physically. If you’re trying to determine whether you or a loved one have dental anxiety, look for the following: 

  • Sweating 
  • Fast heartbeat 
  • Upset stomach 
  • Fainting 

Psychological Signs

Along with the physical signs, you can often tell that someone’s struggling with dental anxiety by the way they’re acting. They might focus on bad experiences they had at other dental offices, or they could even be trying to mask their fears with humor. 

Psychological signs are typically subtler than physiological ones. That said, if someone knows you well, they probably have a good sense of how you act when you’re anxious. 

This is one reason why taking a loved one with you to the office can improve the situation: they understand what you need to feel better. 

Avoiding the Dentist 

Experts say that up to 20% of Americans avoid going to the dentist because of anxiety. This creates a vicious cycle, wherein patients get more nervous because of the amount of time that has lapsed since the last time they went to the dentist. 

How often you need to go will vary based on your oral health. That said, if it’s been over a year since you last visited, you’re likely avoiding the dentist due to anxiety. The first step is admitting that this feeling is prohibiting you from taking care of your mouth. 

What Should You Do If You Have Dental Anxiety?

If you or a loved one have dental anxiety, the next question is how you can overcome your worries and get into a dental office. Luckily, there are many treatment options available to you. 

In severe cases, you may wish to see a counselor. However, it’s usually easier to choose a dental office that takes active steps to help patients struggling with anxiety. This could be as simple as allowing you to bring a loved one with you to your appointment. 

It can also mean sedation dentistry. We recommend this kind of dentistry for patients who are struggling with stress. It lessens any discomfort you might feel, while also helping you relax. 

We’ll have a conversation before you choose this service to ensure that it matches your needs. Our goal is to help maintain and improve your oral health with as little discomfort as possible.

Woman after surgery and Sedation Dentistry in Murray Hill

Looking for Sedation Dentistry in Murray Hill? 

Coliseum Dental is here for you. We’re proud to combine our state-of-the-art facility with best-in-class patient care. Regardless of what you’re here for, we’ll take care of you and determine how best to serve your needs. 

Please contact us today. Whether you’re ready to book an appointment or you have any additional questions you need answered about our dental facility, we’re here to make sure your smile is taken care of. 

Everything You Need to Know About Crowns

getting Cosmetic dentistry Hell’s kitchen

Dental crowns are vastly important for chewing and smiling. Because we use them daily, crowns have many opportunities to break, crack, and become dislodged. Find out everything you need to know about maintaining them, and what happens when you need cosmetic dentistry in Hell’s Kitchen to replace one or more. 

getting Cosmetic dentistry Hell’s kitchen

What Are Crowns? 

Crowns from your dentist are of porcelain mostly, but can be zirconia, metal, or ceramic. At Coliseum Dental, each crown from us will be fashioned from porcelain. These are as strong as enamel, but will need to be properly maintained as it they were real. 

These are hollow caps that slip over teeth to protect them from any further damage. 

Times When You Need a Dental Crown 

Believe it or not but mouths undergo a lot of daily stress. Anything from mouth breathing to biting a hard object can have an adverse effect on enamel. You will need a dental crown procedure to: 

·      Prevent the spread of tooth decay 

·      Restore your smile aesthetic 

·      Cover and support a cavity plagued tooth 

·      Hold a bridge firmly in place 

·      Cover a misshapen or discolored tooth 

·      Top of an implant 

·      Shelter a root canal 

What to Expect from a Procedure 

Receiving a crown is a very easy appointment. We begin by taking x-rays of the teeth and surrounding bones to see the extent of the damage. If we see underlying concerns, we will treat them before you receive a new crown. We do this to ensure your procedure is successful. 

Next, we’ll grind down the teeth that need a crown. By reshaping it, we can ensure a snuggly fitting crown that doesn’t add additional bulk to your mouth and smile. 

With the impressions in hand, we have the information we need to craft you a new smile. 

Are Same-Day Crowns as Strong as Lab-Made Ones 

The time it takes for you to receive a crown has no impact on its integrity. After all, the time it takes to create is the only real difference. 

What Else Can CEREC® Make? 

While we heavily use CEREC® technology to fabricate crowns in just one visit, it can do much more. If you’re visiting us for a veneer, bridge, or other cosmetic upgrade, we use CEREC® to craft whatever you need in under an hour in most cases. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How Often Do Crowns Break? 

Since porcelain is of roughly the same sturdiness as enamel, replacement caps break at around the same percentage as teeth; not all too often. However, you will need to practice good oral hygiene to keep them lasting as long as possible. 

What Are the Best Ways to Care for My Dental Crowns? 

As a general rule, treat your porcelain replicas as if they were real teeth. This means that you need to: 

·      Sufficiently brush twice a day 

·      Properly floss daily 

·      Never use your mouth as a tool 

While these are great to keep in mind, they aren’t be all end all solutions. You may also want to be mindful of your eating habits. Munching on ice may seem fine on a hot day but ice is hard enough to chip porcelain, the same as it often does with enamel.  

getting Cosmetic dentistry Hell’s kitchen

Are You Looking for Cosmetic Dentistry in Hell’s Kitchen? 

No matter if you need crowns or teeth whitening, Coliseum Dental can be the place for all of your dental needs. Give us a call today to schedule your next appointment. 

Frequently Asked Laser Dentistry Questions

Laser Dentistry Murray Hill

Have you scheduled an appointment for laser dentistry in Murray Hill? If so, you like many others may have a lot of questions about what to expect. While the appointment may make you nervous, it shouldn’t. 

woman about to get Laser Dentistry Murray Hill

What Is Laser Dentistry? 

Laser dentistry is a method we use to provide quality care for all patients. Our specialized tools focus modified light beams in such a way that makes the drill an obsolete dental relic. Lasers allow dentists to offer noninvasive care even for more complex conditions. 

Are Lasers Safe? 

Lasers are incredibly safe for several reasons. First, the modified light rays only affect one type of tissue at a time. This means, as we recontour or whiten your teeth, your tongue, gums, and lips will be unaffected. 

Secondly, lasers are noninvasive. There is no slicing, cutting, or drilling involved as we use lasers to remove plaque and tartar with ease. 

Lastly, because of their noninvasive nature, lasers don’t cause pain. This is wonderful news for those nervous of using anesthesia or painkillers during their appointments. In fact, only in rare cases will a patient ask for sedatives during laser, and if they do, it’s usually a result of dental phobia, not pain. 

What Are Common Laser Dentistry Procedures? 

At Coliseum Dental we use WaterLase™ lasers, which give us supreme versatility. 

Gummy Smile Treatment 

If your smile reveals more gum than you care for, consider gummy smile surgery. With lasers, our team can reshape your gum line, so you can feel confident in your smile anywhere you go. 

Gum Surgery 

Fighting periodontal disease sometimes comes down to surgery, which use to rely on scalpels and stitches. By using lasers, we can safely remove infected tissues without making you bleed uncontrollably!  

Teeth Whitening 

Laser teeth whitening has the ability to brighten smiles by up to eight shades! Whitening is a multistep procedure. Here’s what to expect: 

1.     Notation of your current teeth color  

2.     Cleaning and polishing of each tooth 

3.     Isolation of your teeth and soft tissues 

4.     Hydrogen peroxide application 

5.     Laser activation 

The end result is a Hollywood smile that will be the envy of any passersby.  

Who Can Receive Laser Dentistry? 

Laser dentistry is a modality safe for all ages and walks of life. Your young child and elderly parents can experience the wonders of this dental technology without a hint of discomfort. 

At Coliseum Dental, we prefer using lasers when we work with your little ones to improve their oral health. Why? Because lasers are so gentle, and comfortable. This type of dentistry helps prevent dental phobias, allowing for smoother experiences as your child grows into their teen and adult years. 

Laser Dentistry Murray Hill

Are You Excited for Laser Dentistry in Murray Hill? 

With so many benefits of this method, it’s hard not to want a laser procedure. Regardless of color, pain, or aesthetics, if you have an oral issue, lasers can provide the relief you need. Wait no longer for the care you deserve and schedule an appointment. 

Give Coliseum Dental a call today to improve your oral wellbeing! 

Night Guards


A Dental night guard is an oral appliance that protects your teeth from chronic grinding or clenching, also known as bruxism. It acts as a cushion barrier between your top teeth and bottom teeth. According to the American Academy of Oral Medicine, teeth grinding/clenching is common among children and adults at times. Bruxism in children can occur through stress and during sleep, but in most cases resolve on their own. Children are not recommended for night guards due to the fact that their jaws are still developing. However, adults that experience grinding and clenching chronically during sleep often are best resolved with a nightguard. If untreated in adults can cause issues with your teeth and/or jaw; if so it’s time to speak to a dental professional at Coliseum.

Because the actions of clenching and grinding place stress upon your jaw (just like working out causes muscle fatigue and soreness) you can experience jaw pain, damage to the tooth structure, gum recession, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, headaches, and even migraines that make it difficult to function throughout the day.


If you experience these signs/symptoms:

  • Chipped or fractured teeth
  • Waking up with headaches
  • TMJ inflammation due to clenching
  • Chronic grinding
  • Wear or flat surfaces of your teeth (I.e. posterior molars or canines)
    • Thinned out protective enamel or exposed dentin


Over-The-Counter night guards can be bulky, at times ill-fitting, and if not captured accurately can lead to pain/pressure/soreness, tooth shifting, or even jaw misalignment. An in-office impression and custom made night guard provides a snug fit for comfort provides an even bite between posterior and anterior teeth to actually reduce clenching, grinding, and TMJ issues.


Medications for anxiety or muscle relaxants can help manage bruxism. For patients that are not able to wear a night guard and/or seek alternative treatments; Botox injections can help people with severe bruxism and reduce their grinding and clenching. If you have any questions or interested in more information about medications and injections you should speak with your dentist at Coliseum Dental.


Custom Nightguards aren’t cheap, but neither is restorative treatment. If you protect your teeth during early signs of clenching and grinding it will be more cost-effective and health beneficial. Opt for a custom night guard that will feel better, is custom to your smile, and is guaranteed to fit!